Effect of The Copra Cut Size In The Drying Process

  • Gergorius Robertus Duyop Universitas Musamus
  • Yus Witdarko Universitas Musamus
  • Wahida Wahida Universitas Musamus
Keywords: copra, drying, copra cut size


Copra is the main raw material for making coconut oil. The quality of copra is very much determined by the drying process in order to achieve a water content level according to SNI. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the size of the copra pieces on reducing the moisture content in the drying process. The study was conducted in November 2018. There were three treatments in drying, namely coconut fruit pieces 1/2 part, 1/4 part, and 1/8 part. Drying is done under the sun for 42 hours in 6 days of drying. Measurement of the rate of reduction in copra water content was carried out at intervals of 1 hour. Water content was calculated using the gravimetric method. The results showed that the rate of reduction in water content in 1/8 part cut was faster than half or maupun part coconut. While the cut of ½ part and ¼ part, the rate of reduction in water content is not much different and does not show a significant difference. The final moisture content in drying copra for 1/2 part was 4.17%, copra 1/4 part was 4.11%, copra 1/8 part was 1.35%.


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How to Cite
Duyop, G., Witdarko, Y., & Wahida, W. (2019). Effect of The Copra Cut Size In The Drying Process. Musamus AE Featuring Journal, 2(1), 36-40. Retrieved from https://ejournal.unmus.ac.id/index.php/ae/article/view/3301