Modification of Mini Peanut Skin Breaker Machine Using Pulley And V-Belt Type-B

  • Eko Prasetiyo Musamus University
  • Indah Widanarti Musamus University
  • Yosefina Mangera Musamus University
Keywords: Modification, Peanut, Peeler


The existing peanut shell crusher machine can help peanut farmers in the process of breaking the peanut shell, but there are still a few obstacles in the process of breaking, namely the opening of the full opening stopper. This causes the peanut peeling machine to not operate optimally. The action to be taken is to modify the size of the B-type pulley and v-belt. Testing of the breaker machine that has been designed, uses peanuts with a moisture content of 5.60%. The test results show that for the 1/2 opening stopper, the yield produced is 68.8% in 45 seconds; 3/4 aperture, yield of 68.6% in 32 seconds of processing; and for full opening, the resulting yield is 71% in 20 seconds of processing time and obtain an effective tool performance capacity of 90 Kg/Hour.


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How to Cite
Prasetiyo, E., Widanarti, I., & Mangera, Y. (2021). Modification of Mini Peanut Skin Breaker Machine Using Pulley And V-Belt Type-B. Musamus AE Featuring Journal, 4(1), 9-18. Retrieved from