Design of Manual Rice Planting Tool Tabela Legowo 2:1 System

  • Agustinus Mariano Musamus University
  • Yus Witdarko Musamus University
  • Yosefina Mangera Musamus University
Keywords: design, legowo 2:1, planting tools


The aim of the research is to produce a 2:1 Legowo system tablea manual rice planting tool. The benefit of this research is to help farmers make their work easier, speed up the planting process and be effective in cultivating rice. This research used an experimental method by carrying out design and construction and to determine the performance of the 2:1 Legowo system's manual rice planting equipment, the equipment was tested. Testing of tool work was carried out in the rice fields of Urumb Village, Semangga District, Merauke Regency. The land used for equipment testing is 792 m². The test was carried out 10 times. The seeds used during testing were 3 kg. The results of the research show that the 2:1 tabela system manual rice planting tool using human power has the following specifications: height of the tool = 60 cm, width of the tool = 170 cm, side of the tool = 120 cm; seed storage pipe 25 cm high, 4 inch diameter. The test results of the Tabela Legowo 2:1 manual rice planting tool had an average speed of 0.47 m/s with a seed requirement of 37.86 kg/hectare.


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How to Cite
Mariano, A., Witdarko, Y., & Mangera, Y. (2023). Design of Manual Rice Planting Tool Tabela Legowo 2:1 System. Musamus AE Featuring Journal, 5(2), 46-54.