Nilai Tambah Usaha Keripik Ubi Kayu (Studi Kasus: Usaha Keripik Alami di Wenda Asri Distrik Jagebob Kabupaten Merauke)
This study aims to determine the processing of cassava into cassava chips, the amount of revenue, profits, business feasibility, and added value in the Natural Chips business. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, quantitative method in the form of costs, income, depreciation, profit, feasibility, break event point, and value-added. Sample selection was done by purposive sampling with 1 sample. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results in this study were the processing of cassava into chips starting with the procurement of raw materials, peeling, washing, draining 1, confining, frying, draining II, seasoning, cooling, and packaging. The profit generated in each Kg of cassava in one production is IDR 760.085.96, revenue cost ratio is 1.63, BEP price is IDR 4,285.41, product BEP is 171 packs, and added value is IDR 10,057.1 or 51,31%.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Asthika Dwi Apriliani, Riza Fachrizal, Ferdinand C Situmorang

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