Article Publication Charge

Submission: There is no fee for every article submitted to Agricola: Jurnal Pertanian. All articles entered into the open journal system will be checked simply (quick reviewing) by the editor-in-chief/manager. If the article meets the scope of Agricola: Jurnal Pertanian, then the related article will begin processing for inspection by the editor and reviewer.

Article Processing Charges (APC): To be able to start the review stage by editors and reviewers, authors will be charged Rp. 200,000,-. This fee is a guarantee that the author is committed and serious about publishing the results of his scientific work in Agricola: Jurnal Pertanian.

Publication Fees: Articles that have passed the review stage by editors and reviewers, have good turnitin test figures (< 25%), have used Mendeley to organize the literature, and have received approval by the editor-in-chief/manager, are subject to a publication fee of Rp. 300,000,-. This fee is the final before the article is published in the nearest edition.

Recapitulation of Publication Costs at Agricola:

Submission                                         : Rp. 0,-

Article Processing Charges (APC)           : Rp. 200.000,-

Publication Fees                                   : Rp. 300.000,-