Molluscs Association (Gastropoda and Bivalvia) in Magrove Ecosystem of Kumbe Estuary

  • Martha Welistin Katukdoan Universitas Musamus
  • Nova Suryawati Monika Universitas Musamus
  • Sunarni Sunarni Universitas Musamus
Keywords: association; mangrove; molluscas; estuary of kumbe


This study aims to determine the types of gastropods and bivalves associated with mangrove
vegetation. Data analysis convering density, diversity, dominance, uniformity of Gastropods and
Bivalves with mangrove density at Kumbe estuary of Merauke Regency, which was held for two
months from August to September 2016. The method used was the line transect method with a plot
measuring 10x10 meters and for molluscas using 1x1 meter plot. The results showed that the
molluscas were found of exhibit association of mangrove vegetation in both stations consisting of 9
types of Gastropods and 2 types of Bivalves. Species diversity (H') is highest in Station II (river mouth
area) and moderate species diversity in Station I (residential area). Uniformity (E’) shows a stable
value at both stations. Dominance (D) is included in the low value or no type of Gastropoda and
Bivalvia that dominates at both stations. There are 9 types of mangroves with the highest density of
mangroves in Station I and the lowest in Station II


asosiasi; mangrove; moluska; sungai kumbe
How to Cite
Katukdoan, M., Monika, N., & Sunarni, S. (2018). Molluscs Association (Gastropoda and Bivalvia) in Magrove Ecosystem of Kumbe Estuary. AGRICOLA, 8(1), 7-23. Retrieved from