Study Analysis of Paddy Field Meraoke Variety, Dyah Suci dan Ciliwung With Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C Rasio)
This research was aims to analyze the feasibility of paddy varieties Meraoke, Dyah Suci and
Ciliwung in paddy fields by using the Revenue Cost Ratio (R/C ratio) in the district of Merauke. The
research was conducted in Marga Mulya village Semangga District starts from September 2012 to
January 2013. The type of data in this research is the primary and secondary data. Data analysis
performed in this study is an analysis of the feasibility of farming by using the Revenue Cost Ratio
(R/C ratio). Results of the analysis of the feasibility of using a proportion of farm receipts and cost
(R/C ratio) with more than 1,5 criteria. Meraoke rice varieties with a variety of inorganic treatment
with treatment eligibility level or value of the R/C ratio of 1.55 which is lower if compared with the
rice varieties of organic semi Meraoke treatment value of R/C ratio of 2.06 and the Dyah Suci
treatment of rice varieties inorganic value of R/C ratio obtained at 2.70 and varieties of organic semi
commission of the Dyah Suci R/C ratio of 2.37 obtained rice varieties and inorganic treatment
Ciliwung R/C ratio of 3.45 and obtained treatment Ciliwung organic semi R/C ratio obtained by 2.14.
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