The Behavior of Red Unions Farmers on The Pesticides Aplication and The Impact on Environment in Merauke

  • Jean Laurina Masatuneko Politeknik Pertanian Yasanto Merauke, Indonesia
Keywords: onion farmer; farmer’s; pesticides


Excessive use of pesticides will increase the cost of control, heighten the death of organisms and can
reduce environmental quality. This study aims to analyze the behavior of shallots farmers in the use of
pesticides and their impact on the environment. The research method used in sampling is using
quantitative methods and qualitative methods. Data collection techniques are done by (1) primary
data, namely through observation, interviews and questionnaires. (2) secondary data, namely through
evidence, records or reports. The results of the increase in farmers' knowledge will be more effective
with farmers participating in and following the meeting activities held by the Government Institution
on shallot cultivation, so farmers will better understand how to use pesticides and understand itself the
danger of using pesticides for consumers and the environment. The attitude of farmers in the use of
pesticides that are registered, permitted and not expired is not according to the rules because they are
reasonable, which can still be used as long as the packaging is not damaged due to pesticides that can
increase production levels. The actions of farmers using personal protective equipment are good but
there are still many farmers who use long-sleeved clothes and shorts on the grounds that farmers do
not know the correct function of protective clothing as a whole


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How to Cite
Masatuneko, J. (2019). The Behavior of Red Unions Farmers on The Pesticides Aplication and The Impact on Environment in Merauke. AGRICOLA, 9(1), 29-36.