Design of Sago Starch Sifting Machine with Electric Motor to Improve The Quality of Sago Flour in The “Dwitrap” Sago Flour Processing Industry
Sago flour produced by the sago flour processing industry "Dwitrap" does not meet the SNI for fineness standards, namely passing a 100 mesh sieve of at least 95% in accordance with SNI 01-3729-2008. The research objective was to produce a sago starch sieving machine with an electric motor drive to improve the quality of sago flour in the "Dwitrap" sago flour processing industry. This study used an experimental method by making and testing a sago starch sieve. The starch material used is Dwitrap sago starch. The calculations carried out are the calculation of the pulley speed and tool capacity while the sieving test is carried out by sifting 10 kg of sago starch which is repeated 3 times. The sieve size used is 100 mesh. From the results of the sieving, you will get sago starch that passes and does not pass through the sieve. Besides that, the water content of sago starch was also calculated before sieving. This research resulted in a sago starch sieve with a 1 hp electric motor drive with specifications of 210 cm in length, 74 cm in width, and 94 cm in height. This tool consists of 4 main components, namely the frame, dispensing funnel, sieving, and electric motor. The tool work test is done by calculation and analysis. The sample used was 10 kg of sago starch with a time of 1 minute. The results showed that during sieving, 505.64 kg/hour of sago starch passed the sieve with a water content of 11.16%.
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