Test of the effectiveness of beluntas leaf extract (Pluchea indica L.) against the mortality of Spodoptera litura
Beluntas is one of the plants that have the potential to be developed into a botanical pesticide, because it contains phenolic acids, flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, and terpenoids. These secondary metabolite compounds can have a mortality effect on pests. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of beluntas leaves on Spodoptera litura mortality. The test method used in this research was the leaf dipping method, consisting of six treatments and five times repeated. The parameters observed were the mortality of Spodoptera litura in the larval, pupal, and imago phases. Observation showed that the highest mortality was at a dose of 90 grams wet/500 ml water for 25 individuals. Observation continued for surviving larvae namely, the high mortality pre-pupa larvae of 19 individuals at a dose of 45 grams wet/500 ml water, pupa mortality of 15 individuals in the control treatment, and the remaining pupae that produced imago in the control treatment as many as 2 heads.
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