Current Issue

Vol 14 No 2 (2024): AGRICOLA

Agricola Journal is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research articles on agrotechnology, agribusiness agriculture, agriculture engineering, animal husbandry, and aquatic resources & management. It serves as a platform for researchers and academics to share their findings, methodologies, and innovative approaches. In this issue, we published six research articles. The Research Article: first, about the Weed dominance and diversity in maize (Zea mays L.) with conventional and jajar legowo planting systems. Second, about the Effect of manual and retort klin methods on chemical characteristics of palm oil waste biochar. Third, Analysis of marketing and margins value of the local cayenne peppers (Capsicum frustescens) in Jayawijaya Regency. Fourth, Hedonik test of shredded breadfruit product (Artocarpus altilis) with a mixture of ale-ale mussel (Metetrix sp). Fifth, about Analysis of factors influencing the income of sweet corn farmers in Semangga Jaya Village, Semangga District. Lastly, about Factors affecting upland rice production in Cikalong District, Tasikmalaya Regency.

Published: 2024-09-01
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Welcome To Our Journal

The AGRICOLA Journal receives research papers, critical analytical studies or literature studies in the field of integrated Agriculture including Agrotechnology, Agribusiness Agriculture, Agriculture Engineering, Animal Husbandry, and Aquatic Resource and Management.

p-ISSN : 2088-1673

e-ISSN: 2354-7731

Accreditation : SINTA 4 (Valid until Volume 18 Number 1 of 2028)

Publication Frequency : Published on February, June and October

Prefix Doi : 10.35724

Editor in Chief : Dr. Untari, S.TP., M.Si (Scopus & Sinta)

Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Musamus

The domain of is managed by Faculty of Agriculture Musamus University.

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