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Agricola Journal is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research articles on agrotechnology, agribusiness agriculture, agriculture engineering, animal husbandry, and aquatic resources & management. It serves as a platform for researchers and academics to share their findings, methodologies, and innovative approaches. In this issue, we published seven articles that consist of research articles. The Research Article: first, Increased Protein Levels in the Skin of Cassava Tubers (Manihot esculenta Crantz Sin M. Utilissima Pohl) Through the Fermentation Process. Second, Punagaya Water Quality Condition To Support Sustainable Seaweed Aquaculture (Kappaphycus alvarezii). Third, the article focuses Effect of Giving Some Formulation of Organic Fertilizer to Soybean Rust Disease and Its Production. Fourth, Morphology and Genetic Character of Lunella sp.. Fifth, the article discussion about Analysis Of Some Superior Varieties Of Rice Farming. Sixth article discussion about The Effect of Fermentation Organic Fertilizer Measures (Poracy) Aren With Chicken Fertilizer on The Growth and Product of Red Chili (Capsicum Annuum L.). And lastly, the article focuses on Growth and Condition Factors Snakehead (Channa striata Bloch, 1793).