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Agricola Journal is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research articles on agrotechnology, agribusiness agriculture, agriculture engineering, animal husbandry, and aquatic resources & management. It serves as a platform for researchers and academics to share their findings, methodologies, and innovative approaches. In this issue, we published seven articles that consist of research articles. The Research Article: first, the article focuses on biofortification to improving diversity of upland specialty rice based population. Second, the article presents factors affecting broiler breeder income. Thirth is impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on fisherman. Fourth, the article focuses on Post-equilibration spermatozoa longevity of Ongole crossbreed cattle using supplemented diluent red fruit. Fifth, the article investigates morphological characterization of hoeng Merauke local rice. Sixth, the article discussion about manufacture of Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) from non-target fish waste from fishers catch. And lastly, the article focuses on effect of different urea levels and fermentation time of rumen waste liquid organic fertilizer on physical and chemical content (P2O5 and K2O).