• Henry Soleman Raubaba Universitas musamus Jurusan Arsitektur
  • Muchlis Alahudin Universitas musamus Jurusan Arsitektur
  • Sari Octavia Universitas musamus Jurusan Arsitektur


Healing environment is one of the design concepts that prioritizes environmental factors because the environment plays an
important role in the healing and recovery process of humans in addition to medical, genetic and other factors. Application
of the concept of healing environment in the design of the Maternal and Child Hospital (RSIA) in terms of architecture can
create an ideal built environment and influence the psychology of space that helps mother and child patients adapt to the
recovery process. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research method to describe and describe the
phenomena that exist in the Maternal and Child Hospital, both natural and human engineering, which is more concerned
about the characteristics, quality and relationships between activities as well as the relationship with the application of the
concept of healing environment. The results showed that the Maternal and Child Hospital (RSIA) is not only a health care
facility for mothers and children, but also offers comfort and aesthetics in the design of the physical environment. The
application of the concept of healing environment in the Mother and Child Hospital combines natural, sensory and
psychological aspects that aim to support adaptation to the environment and the physical condition of the patient in the
recovery process. The concept is applied to the design of the elements outside the building (exterior) and inside the building
(interior) in the form of communicative circulation, the creation of a healing garden, structuring the building mass, good
lighting, utilization of the view, sound conditioning, and color play on the building.
