Mall Pelayanan Publik

  • Dina Lestari universitas musamus
  • Muchlis Alahudin Universitas Musamus
  • Yosi Valentina Simorangkir Universitas Musamus


Merauke Regency is one of the districts in Indonesia that does not yet have a dental and oral hospital. In Merauke itself is still lacking in terms of facilities and infrastructure, old services, and medical personnel. The services provided are only 2 specialist medical services from 8 specialist medical services. The number of patients in 2015-2019 had a percentage of 12%-27% and in 2020 increased by 30%. Therefore, Merauke Regency needs a dental and oral hospital with the aim of completing facilities, services and medical personnel that support dental and oral health service activities. The method used is a descriptive method carried out by collecting data in the form of interviews and questionnaires on medical personnel, patients and direct documentation of the research object. In addition to taking some related data in the form of literature regarding regulations, standards, books and journals. The results of the data obtained are used for references in determining the needs of space and building design. The RSGM design is located in the health sub -zone area. The RSGM design focuses on the completeness of facilities and services, facilities in the form of security posts, official residences, IPAL  and service areas, as well as parks. The application of modern tropical in the RSGM design can be seen from the design, opening, the use of natural lighting and naturally, the use of modern materials for manufacturing elements, the direction of the building and the use of maximum vegetation.


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