The Post Stroke Rehabilitation Center is a place of rehabilitation after a stroke, a facility where patients are provided with 24-hour service. The general problem for people who have had a stroke in Merauke is the people and their consumption, processed foods in the form of meat, fried foods and other foods, if consumed in excess will trigger several diseases, one of which is triggering cholesterol and leading to stroke. The existence of a post-stroke rehabilitation center is expected to increase the chances of recovery for patients. The purpose of this study was to design a Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Center with an Architecture Healing Environment approach, using a descriptive method by collecting documentation data and research objects, as well as supporting data, in the form of standards, books and journals. The data obtained will be used as a reference for designing a Post Stroke Rehabilitation Center in Merauke. With the Healing Environment Architecture approach. With a land area of 8 hectares with 5 facilities, (1) health facilities, (2) worship facilities, (3) garden facilities, (4) stroke service facilities, (5) supporting facilities. The Healing Environment Architecture approach is applied for patient comfort, among others by optimizing openings or ventilation and natural lighting.
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