E-Sport Center
(Pendekatan Arsitektur Futuristik)
Merauke Regency possesses a significant potential for e-sports athletes, attracting participants from diverse age groups, including adults, teenagers, and children. Based on data gathered from e-sports tournaments held in Merauke, such as at KNS III, Mr. Bean café, Garasi café, and YoungBucks café, it is evident that Merauke actively organizes competitive events. Hence, the objective of this research is to design an "e-sport center" as a supporting facility for training and competitions for both local Merauke athletes and those from outside the region. The research methodology employed in this study is descriptive, involving data collection through interviews, questionnaires, direct documentation of the research object, as well as gathering information from books, journals, and online sources regarding relevant standards and regulations. The designed facilities and infrastructure encompass the main building of the e-sport center and supporting amenities. The e-sport center, utilizing a futuristic architectural approach, is designed to enhance the performance of athletes in Merauke Regency. This is achieved through the incorporation of modern building materials and fabrication techniques, such as the use of GFRC roof coverings, as well as maximizing natural ventilation and lighting through appropriate openings in the building
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