Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Di Merauke
(Pendekatan Arsitektur Post Modern)
Merauke Regency has a character as a coastal city, thus its waters have an important role. The physical aspect of these waters brings its own potential, especially the potential of marine resources in the form of marine products. Merauke Regency has a fairly good potential of Marine and Fisheries resources, the amount of marine fisheries production in Merauke Regency in the last 5 (five) years, namely (2016) 9260,447 tons / year, (2017) 10986,417 tons / year, (2018) 15433,992 tons / year, (2019) 7860,180 tons / year and (2020) 45000,343 tons / an increase of 10% per year. From the existing conditions to meet the needs of fish in Merauke Regency, a container is needed that can accommodate fish needs in the form of a Fish Auction Place (TPI) building. The method used is a descriptive method which is carried out by collecting and analyzing data using field survey techniques, comparative studies, literature studies, direct documentation interviews with research objects, site analysis and building analysis. where the data and analysis obtained are used as a reference in designing the Fish Auction Place in Merauke (Post Modern Architectural Approach). The result of this research is to get a container. Fish Auction Place in Merauke, designed based on activities and zones to make it easier for visitors or managers so that the facilities and infrastructure on the site are more accessible, Application of Post Modern in Designing Fish Auction Places in Merauke.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 31 Tahun 2004.
Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Merauke
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