Pusat Dukungan Odha DI Merauke (Pendekatan Arsitektur Modern)

  • Martinus Karpus Kora Universitas Musamus Merauke
  • Muchlis Alahudin
  • Biatma Syanjayanta
Keywords: Pusat Dukungan ODHA Di Merauke; Arsitektur ; Modern Tropis.


HIV / AIDS is a global problem. Statistical data on the number of people with HIV / AIDS in Merauke is increasing from (in 2010 to 2013). People with HIV / AIDS have not received adequate health care facilities and support. Meanwhile, discrimination against people with HIV / AIDS still applies in society. The purpose of this study is; (1) designing PLHIV Support Centers in Merauke that are equipped with supporting facilities, and (2) planning and designing precisely so that there is no discrimination against PLWHA with a Tropical Modern Architecture Approach.


[1] Badanmeteorologi, Klimatologi dan feofisika (BMKG) Kabupaten Merauke,2013,Curah hujan dan angin, Merauke.

[2] CV. Jaya abadi Globalindo, 2010, Penangkal petir Electrostatis, Jakarta.

[3] Dinas kesehatan kabupaten Merauke. 2013, Data statistic pengidap HIV/AIDS, Merauke.

[4] Dinas Cipta Karya Kabupaten Merauke. 2012, Rencana Tata Ruang Wilaya Kota Merauke, Merauke.

[5] Peraturan Mentri Kesehatan No. 173/Menkesiper/VII/1997 tentang Pengawasan Pencemaran Air. Departemen Kesehatan RI.

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