• Rizka Jafar Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
  • Wayrohi Meilvidiri Universitas Musamus
Keywords: Leading Sector; Economic Development Planning


The study identified the leading sectors in Sabu Raijua Regency using several competitive advantage models (LQ, DLQ, MRP, Tress Index, Shift Share, and Multiplier Effect). The results of the comparison of several potential sector models in Sabu Raijua Regency reveals that the leading sectors (LQ > 1) are the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Sectors; Processing Industry Sector; Construction Sector; Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector; Car and Motorcycle Repair; Accommodation and Food and Drink Provision Sector; and the Real Estate Sector. DLQ analysis and Carvalho Classification indicate that the sectors with a fast growth rate and high category are the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Sectors. Then six sectors have a multiplier impact (ME > 1), namely the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Sectors; Processing Industry Sector; Construction Sector; Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector; Car and Motorcycle Repair; Accommodation and Food and Drink Provision Sector; and the Real Estate Sector. Furthermore, the MRP analysis shows that the Manufacturing Sector; Wholesale and Retail Trade, Car and Motorcycle Repair Sector; Accommodation and Food and Drink Provision Sector; and Other Services Sector are the dominant growth sectors (Classification 1). In addition, the results of the analysis of the tress index demonstrate an increasing trend during the study period.


Keyword: Leading Sector; Economic Development Planning


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