Musamus Journal of Public Administration with p-ISSN: 2622-6499, e-ISSN: 2622-917X with Volume 5 Number 1 October 2022. This edition publishes 18 articles, with topic classifications such as Organization and Management, Public Service Management, Organizational Culture, Leadership, Institutional Performance, Regional Autonomy, Village governance policies, and financial governance.
The author participants in this edition come from: Musamus University; University of Teuku Umar Meulaboh Aceh; Stisipol Yaleka Merauke; Andi Djemma University; Andalas University; Lampung University ; West Sulawesi University; Nahdatul Ulama University, Southeast Sulawesi; University of November 19, Kolaka ; Muhammadiyah University of Sinjai ; Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo; Gadjah Mada University; Tadulako University, Palu; Gombe State University, Nigeria.
The articles presented in this journal are contributions from the results of research, thoughts and ideas which can be used as a source of reference in the development of science and provide scientific information to develop science, especially the development of State Administration.