An Analysis of Animal Welfare on Sheep Fatm at Dompet Dhuafa Farm, Serang Banten

Sheep Farm: Animal Welfare: Dompet Dhuafa Farm :

  • Gagah Hendra Wijaya Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Keywords: Dompet Dhuafa Farm, Animal welfare, Sheep


Dompet Dhuafa Farm is a sheep farm managed by the non-profit company Dompet Dhuafa which aims to implement productive zakat, waqf and public investment Indonesia. DD Farm implements a livestock center program combined with the edufarm concept which becomes a livestock learning center for Banten community. DD Farm was established on productive waqf land in the area of Cikeusal, Serang, Banten with an area of ​​1300 m2. There are 650 sheep, consisting of 620 sheep for fattening and 30 sheep for breeding. The maintenance cages used are colonial cages filled with 5-7 sheeps with an area of ​​1.5 x 3 m2. The cage is made from a combination of light steel, wood and asbestos as a roof. The feed was given 4 times a day, with fermented concentrate, tofu dregs, chopped pakchong grass and elephant grass. Water drinks were provided ad libitum. The results show that the implementation of animal welfare principles in DD Farm is in the good category. The sheep at DD Farm are free from hunger and thirst, free from discomfort, free from pain, injury and disease, free from fear and stress and free to express natural behavior.


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How to Cite
Wijaya, G. (2024). An Analysis of Animal Welfare on Sheep Fatm at Dompet Dhuafa Farm, Serang Banten. Musamus Journal of Livestock Science, 7(1), 1-7.