Konsumsi Pakan pada Peternakan Ayam Broiler di Distrik Merauke
Many chicken farms in Merauke district are almost exclusively broiler farms. The feed given to these broilers is commercial feed from outside the Merauke district. This study aimed to determine the amount of feed given and consumed by broiler chickens in Merauke district. The method used is a survey, which includes primary and secondary data. Primary data is obtained through observation and interview, observation involves active participation, namely direct observation. Secondary data is obtained from existing data in relevant agencies and from literature. The results showed that the chicken farms in Merauke district with a large population registered by the local government had a chicken population varying between 1000 - 6000 heads. The lowest feed consumption per month/head is about 0.47 kg and the highest is 2.30 kg. The broiler feed requirement in Merauke Regency is approximately 29,482 kg per month for 9 farmers with a total population of 19,200 birds. The range of feed prices in the market is IDR 540,000 - IDR 555,000. The number of broiler feed distributors in Merauke district is 4 people, and the types of feed imported for broilers in the start-up period are CP511 and Malino, with an average of 2,920 bags of feed per month with a capacity of 50kg/bag.
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