Journal MUSTEK ANIM HA on multidisciplinary engineering is dedicated to providing high-quality research information across all engineering aspects. This journal publishes articles based on fundamental theory, experiments, simulations, and systematic applications grounded in previous research. The findings are then discussed and summarized. Journal MUSTEK ANIM HA is published and accessible openly as a commitment to advancing science and technology. The scope of the journal covers fields such as Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Information Systems, and Architecture.
Focus and Scope
MUSTEK ANIM HA received research results in the field of Engineering Science and Technology Engineering, including: Civil Engineering, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Informatics Engineering and Information Systems
Peer Review Process
Manuscripts received will be reviewed by a minimum of 2 Bestari Partners. The decision whether the manuscript is accepted or not is made based on the considerations of Bestari Partners. The final decision whether or not a manuscript is accepted is fully the authority of the Editor-in-Chief based on the results of the Editorial Board meeting. The review of plagiarism is carried out using the help of Google Schoolar.
Publication Frequency
This journal is published 3 times a year in April, August and December.
Open Access Policy
Articles published in this journal can be downloaded for free in full text PDF form free of charge. The downloaded article may not be changed by anyone.