Peer Review Process

Musamus Journal of Physical Education and Sport (MJPES) is committed to publishing articles that demonstrate scientific validity and coherence as assessed by our editors and/or peer reviewers. The quality of writing and the extent to which the work represents a valuable contribution to the field will also be evaluated. We recognize and appreciate the effort and suggestions made by our reviewers.

Upon submission, all manuscripts undergo an initial evaluation by the Editor, which takes a maximum of 4 weeks. While exceptional manuscripts may be accepted at this stage, those that are insufficiently original, contain serious scientific flaws, or fall outside the scope of MJPES are rejected. Manuscripts that meet the minimum criteria are forwarded to expert reviewers for further evaluation. This process typically takes up to 8 weeks. Following review by two reviewers, manuscripts are published at least 8 weeks later.

Reviewers are selected to evaluate submitted manuscripts based on their expertise and will be asked to assess the scientific soundness and coherence of the manuscript, the extent to which it duplicates previously published works and its clarity. The review process is double-blind.

The final decision to accept or reject a manuscript rests with the editor, who is advised by the reviewers. The Editors will consider the feedback provided by the reviewers in the context of the manuscript and may consult with members of the Editorial Board if necessary. The Editor's decision is final.