Model Keterlibatan Perguruan Tinggi Dalam Pengembangan Pangan Lokal
People who lived in Papua used to consume non-rice carbohydrate sources, but now they are consuming
rice. Merauke Regency is designated nationally as a granary for eastern Indonesia. This condition
reduces the development of food diversification based on local resources. One of the universities in
Merauke Regency is Musamus University, where the role is needed by the local community in the context
of preserving and developing local food. This study aims to create a model for the involvement of state
universities, especially Unmus in the context of developing local resource-based food. The research
method used is qualitative research methods. The research was conducted by involving academics (IBT
Unmus) and the community in local villages around Merauke City (Wapeko, Yanggandur, Sota) to jointly
analyze the problems in the form of FGD (focus group discussion) activities and interviews. The
analytical methods used in the research generally include qualitative descriptive analysis (rational policy
models) and strategy analysis which is carried out using the SWOT method. The results of this study
found 4 (four) main activities, namely (1) Research Topics, (2) Sustainable Education / Training /
Socialization, (3) Sustainable Assistance, (4) Local Food Marketing Center. In this model, it can also be
seen that there are external factors that affect the involvement of the university specifically Musamus
University in the development of local food in Merauke Regency.