Collaborative Governance Dalam Program Corporate Social Responsibility Eliminasi Tuberkulosis Di Kabupaten Gresik
This research aims to explain how Collaborative Governance serve as a solution to the complex problems being addressed the government by involving stakeholders from various sectors and prioritizing consensus and consultation in the decision-making process in order to execute public policies and programs such as the Corporate Social Responsibility Elimination of Tuberculosis program in Gresik Regency. The research methodology used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach. The research location is in Gresik Regency and the research targets include government officials, private sector representatives, NGOs, and members of the community. The informants were selected using purposive and snowball sampling techniques and the data analysis method used was interactive analysis. According to the research findings, the collaboration process involves the distribution of resources, expertise, and knowledge among stakeholders, leading to a more comprehensive and effective program. This study emphasizes that effective collaboration among stakeholders is critical to the success of CSR programs, especially in addressing public health issues such as TB. After analyzing the data collected, it was discovered that the collaboration process was based on participation, fundamental rules, transparency, limited forums, FGD, and facilitative leadership, and these factors contributed to the successful implementation of the TB Elimination CSR program.