Evaluation of Zoning System Policy at State High School Level
The zoning system is a strategy used by the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia which aims at equal distribution of quality and fair education. The aim to be achieved in this research is to carry out an evaluation analysis of government policies regarding equal distribution of quality of education and access to education, especially at the state high school level through a zoning system. in the city of Surabaya. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research method with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documents. The data analysis technique in this research uses interactive analysis techniques which include data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results show that: 1) the effectiveness dimension has not been fully effective because it has not reached the target and there has been no effort to achieve the goal; 2) the efficiency dimension, not yet fully efficient in terms of unequal educational facility resources; 3) the dimension of adequacy, has not yet reached all communities in the city of Surabaya; 4) responsiveness dimension, support in the form of appreciation comes well from various parties, criticism of the uneven distribution of State High Schools; 5) the feasibility dimension, the zoning system at the State High School level from the aspect of justice there are still many people who do not have the same opportunity to compete and feel the benefits of this system, the benefits of this system are very large for the world of education and society so it is worth maintaining.