Analysis Of Public Service Quality At The Teluk Ambon District Office In Ambon City

  • Aminah Bahasoan Universitas Pattimura
Keywords: Analysis, Quality, Public Service, Teluk Ambon District, Office In Ambon City


This study aims to analyze and explain the mechanism of implementation, factors, strategies and optimization of public service quality at the Teluk Ambon Sub-District Office, Ambon City. This research uses phenomenological method and qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection was conducted by interview, questionnaire, and documentation, with data analysis using triangulation and quantitative methods. The results showed that the community generally perceived services at the sub-district office to be running well, with a Community Satisfaction Index (SMI) of 3.15. However, the assessment of the subdistrict office shows that (1) the service mechanism is in accordance with the standard operating procedures (SOP) set by the Ambon City Government, supported by the IKM assessment at priority III. (2) Factors affecting public service delivery, including professionalism, leadership, and discretion, show that the camat and village officials act professionally in carrying out their roles, but still lack technical human resources and certain equipment (3) Strategies to improve the quality of public services are not fully effective due to this centralized authority. Priorities for improvement include delegation of authority and discretion, as indicated by the ISP ratings.

How to Cite
Bahasoan, A. (2024). Analysis Of Public Service Quality At The Teluk Ambon District Office In Ambon City. Societas : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Dan Sosial, 13(1), 87-99.