Efektivitas Pelayanan Perpanjangan SIM Berbasis Aplikasi Digital Korlantas Polri
Public services in Indonesia have been divided according to the necessary administrative needs, but in
reality they are currently still faced with situations and conditions that are not in accordance with the
needs and demands of the community, one of which is the SIM extension service, where this service has
been supported by developments in information technology with the existence of the Korlantas digital
application. National Police. This research is to determine the effectiveness of the Driving License (SIM)
extension service based on the National Police Traffic Corps Digital application at the Surabaya Police
Traffic Unit. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method by focusing on effectiveness theory as a
work orientation according to Masram and Muah, namely (a) Resources, funds, facilities and
infrastructure; (b) the quantity and quality of goods or services produced; (c) time limit; and (d) the
procedures that must be followed, by collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation.
The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman interactive model. The results of the research
state that in general it can be concluded that only 1 indicator is considered effective as a work orientation
in the National Police Traffic Corps Digital Application, namely the indicator for the quantity and quality
of goods or services produced and 2 other indicators are quite effective, namely: (a) time limits; (b)
procedures the method that must be taken and 1 indicator that is less effective, namely resources, funds,
facilities and infrastructure.
Keywords: Digital Korlantas Polri Application; Effectiveness; Public Service