Inovasi Aplikasi Tata Naskah Dinas Elektronik Sebagai Optimalisasi Tata Persuratan

  • Grecila Naftali Josilina Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur
  • Ananta Prathama Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur
Keywords: Innovation, TNDE Application, Incoming Letter


Innovation is needed in the implementation of digital-based local government to realize good governance. This is in accordance with the regulations issued in the form of Presidential Instruction Number 3 of 2003 concerning National Policy and Strategy for E-Government Development. The East Java Provincial Government launched the Tata Naskah Dinas Elektronik (TNDE) application innovation as an innovation in digital-based official manuscript management supported by PermenPANRB Number 6 of 2011 concerning General Guidelines for Electronic Office Manuscripts within Government Agencies. This is a necessity for the process of managing correspondence and archiving documents at the East Java Provincial Library and Archives Office because previously it used the Letter Application which in its application found obstacles resulting in less than optimal correspondence management. The purpose of the study was to analyze and describe the application of TNDE application innovation in an effort to improve the optimization of correspondence management. The research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data sources through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the use of TNDE application innovation succeeded in improving the optimization of correspondence management at the East Java Provincial Library and Archives Office.

How to Cite
Josilina, G., & Prathama, A. (2024). Inovasi Aplikasi Tata Naskah Dinas Elektronik Sebagai Optimalisasi Tata Persuratan. Societas : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Dan Sosial, 13(1), 128-140.