Design of a Grain Dryer with a Bed Dryer System with an Indirect Heating Furnace of Two Tons Capacity

  • Andriyono Andriyono Universitas Musamus
  • Acep Ponadi Universitas Musamus
  • Yosefina Mangera Universitas Musamus
Keywords: bed dryer; heating furnace; paddy


The extent of rainfed paddy fields in Merauke Regency makes the potential for harvest time high during the rainy season. Improving the quality of rice yields can be done through post-harvest processing, such as proper drying and storage. This study aimed to design, build and test the performance of a grain dryer with a bed dryer system with an indirect heating furnace. Making a grain dryer with a bed dryer system with a medium capacity can help local farmers to improve the quality of their crop production. The research method uses engineering methods through several stages: drying device design, functional design, structural design, and performance testing. The grain dryer with a bed dryer system has container dimensions of 240 cm x 360 cm x 120 cm with a capacity of 2000 kg; a fan diameter of 60 cm; the maximum temperature of the wind room/pressure room is 70°C; the maximum wind speed without grain is 10 m/s while with grain it is 7 m/s; single phase dynamo driving motor power 3 kW; the volume of fuel (wood) usage is 1.1 m3. Drying time ranges from 20 hours, with final grain moisture content reaching 12.2%. The indirect system heating furnace technology which functions as a heat source from the dryer, has a very important role in the quality of the drying results, the drying time, and operational economic value compared to other conventional heating furnaces


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How to Cite
Andriyono, A., Ponadi, A., & Mangera, Y. (2023). Design of a Grain Dryer with a Bed Dryer System with an Indirect Heating Furnace of Two Tons Capacity. AGRICOLA, 13(1), 34-41.